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Recommended Web Design/HTML books

We at McWeb Software read our share of Web development and HTML design books. We'd like to recommend some of our favorites to you. These are books that we can't live without and have made us the Web/HTML experts that we are.

Easy Web Page Creation

book Rating:

Written for beginners with only basic computer skills, this guide offers non-technical instructions on how to build a Web page or Web site from scratch. Covers basic concepts and background; provides walk-through instructions for creating four Web sites; and explains how to upload, archive, and maintain Web pages after creating them.
Buy the Book Today!

HTML 4 for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide

book Rating:

The acclaimed bestselling visual guide to learning HTML has been updated to cover all the new HTML tags for HTML 4. Perfect for beginners, this book presumes no prior knowledge of HTML or even the Internet. It uses clear, concise instructions for creating each element of the Web page, from titles and headers to creating links and adding tables, frames, forms, and multimedia. Full-color foldout chart.
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Sam's Teach Yourself Web Publishing With HTML and XHTML 4 in 21 Days

book Rating:

In a series of 21 tutorials, the author demonstrates the steps for designing a web site, transferring the site to a server on the web, adding images and animated graphics, creating forms and cascading style sheets, and building structured documents using XHTML. We can't live without this one!

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Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML and Java 2

book Rating:

Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML, and Java 2 shows how to combine these three powerful standards--and plenty of others--to deliver flexible Web content on a variety of platforms, including Java. This admirably comprehensive book covers virtually everything today's Web developer needs in order to deliver flexible content for a variety of browsers.
OUR FAVORITE! Buy the Book Today!

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